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Larinda Lehman
Jul 5, 20242 min read
Finding Liberation...
Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu May all beings, everywhere, be free. At the core of my being, this rings loudly. Freedom can mean so many...

Larinda Lehman
Jun 21, 20242 min read
Does the masculine lead the feminine?
Direction and purpose are a superimposition of the mind. So it is something added to the feminine, not something that she requires or is...

Larinda Lehman
Jun 15, 20241 min read
Self-Love - Self-Improvement Paradox
These two things can often feel at odds. If I love myself the way I am, why change? If there are parts of me that need to change, how can...

Larinda Lehman
Jun 3, 20242 min read
Moving Through Avoidance
Let me tell you a bit of story on how I was able to begin my own movement away from my avoidant attachment style. I have had experience...

Larinda Lehman
May 23, 20242 min read
The Deeper Path of Healing
Many people are still living out of the shadow of their biggest fears and deepest wounds, by trying really hard to do the opposite of...

Larinda Lehman
May 13, 20242 min read
Calling in the Good Guys.
We need to ritualistically and regularly turn towards our pain and turn towards our darkness. If we don’t turn towards our darkness, we...

Ben Fullerton
Dec 26, 20232 min read
Tantra, Meditation and Trauma Work
From a tantrik (non-escapist) view, meditation is not about transcending the body and its reality, but rather is the practice of fully...

Ben Fullerton
Dec 8, 20232 min read
Becoming One, Remaining Two- How does true intimacy happen in Tantra?
So many worldviews can be divided into two categories— the worldview that everything is separate, discrete, disconnected objects, and the...

Larinda Lehman
Nov 9, 20232 min read
Becoming the Person You Needed: A Journey into Inner Child Healing
Introduction: My favorite quote has become a guiding light in my journey of self-discovery and healing: “Be the person you needed when...

Larinda Lehman
Jul 27, 20232 min read
Safe Stable Intimacy
How far can I go into you, without leaving myself? How far can I extend myself outwards and not lose my center? How much can experience...
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