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Sex, Love & Evolution Podcast w/ Ben Raya

Ben sits down with Destin Gerek to discuss the recently hot topic of Man vs Bear. Listen to this deep topic where they delve into the complex dynamics of male safety, societal perceptions, and the defensive postures men often adopt when confronted with women's fears and experiences. 
The discussion explores why many women state they would feel safer encountering a bear in the woods than a man, what this reflect about our society, and how men can engage in meaningful self reflection and change. Have a listen HERE 


Sex, Love & Freedom Podcast w/ Larinda 

Larinda and Caitlin Cook sit down to talk about the journey from being an IT project Manager to a Tantric Practitioner. How she went from managing tech teams for global projects to managing and facilitating tantra retreats and workshops. Have a listen HERE to hear her full story. 

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Living Tantra Retreat - Costa Rica 

Living Tantra is the path of mastering the human experience – embracing both pleasure and pain, your light as well as your dark. It’s having the confidence to be unashamed of yourself in every moment; both hot and holy, in and out of the bedroom.

What does it take? A willingness to undergo a next-level upgrade of your emotional, energetic, physical and spiritual being. Clearing stagnant energies, awakening your life force energy, integrating your shadows, igniting your self-expression, aligning your purpose, opening your intuition, and entering the world of mysticism & magic.

What does this look like? Through transformative Tantric teachings, practices, ceremonies, song and movement sessions, you will come home to the innate wisdom and power of your body – where the confidence to be yourself and embrace your real, raw humanness resides.

If you’re ready to embody wholeness, to make love like a God and to be worshipped as a Goddess, then take the leap and join us at the Living Tantra Retreat.

Would love for you to JOIN US. 

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